The manual has not really been written yet (anyone want to volunteer to write it?)
After pressing the shift (\S) key, the next character input is translated as follows:
Inverted !/?: ¿ ¡ | Angle quotes: « » | Superscript a/o ª º | One/three quarters: ¼ ¾ |
Smart quotes: " " | Smart single quotes: ' ' | Clubs & Spades | Diamonds & Hearts |
Half & One: ½ ¹ | Squared & cubed: ² ³ | Bullet & its little brother: . · | Long dashes: - - |
Cross & double-cross: ? ? | Single angle quotes: < > | Pounds & Yen: £ ¥ | Cents & Euro: ¢ ? |
Qwerty number-to-symbol mappings: 1234567890 to !@#$%^&*() |
When using Caps Lock (\C), only letters are translated; the above punctuation table is not used.
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