MilliKeys Manual

The manual has not really been written yet (anyone want to volunteer to write it?)

MilliKeys Default Shift Map

After pressing the shift (\S) key, the next character input is translated as follows:

Inverted !/?: ¿ ¡ Angle quotes: « » Superscript a/o ª º One/three quarters: ¼ ¾
Smart quotes: " " Smart single quotes: ' ' Clubs & Spades Diamonds & Hearts
Half & One: ½ ¹ Squared & cubed: ² ³ Bullet & its little brother: . · Long dashes: - -
Cross & double-cross: ? ? Single angle quotes: < > Pounds & Yen: £ ¥ Cents & Euro: ¢ ?
Qwerty number-to-symbol mappings: 1234567890 to !@#$%^&*()

When using Caps Lock (\C), only letters are translated; the above punctuation table is not used.

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